COOMBES Group - Forestry
Ash Dieback Harvesting

First confirmed in Britain in 2012, ash dieback (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus) is a highly destructive fungal disease that majorly affects ash trees in the UK. Once infected, there is no cure, and the tree quickly becomes brittle and unstable, making them particularly dangerous. Infection also causes them to become vulnerable to other pests and pathogens, especially honey fungus (Armillaria mellea), which accelerates their decline and mortality can occur in as little as two growing seasons.

Managing ash dieback is extremely dangerous, both for our team and for the general public. But thanks to our modern fleet of forestry machinery, including harvesters and Vosch grapple-saw equipped excavators, we can help our clients to manage ash dieback trees in a safe and efficient manner.

For safe and controlled removal of roadside trees, we have invested in specialist mechanical roadside tree felling equipment, such as our Sennebogen 718e, and work with reputable traffic management companies to ensure public safety.

<span class="text-small">Roadside felling of Chalara infected ash in West Sussex</span>

Dealing with ash dieback

ash dieback management

We're here to help

<span class="text-medium">Our team are here to help you deal with ash dieback. Contact us today to arrange a site visit</span>

What is Ips?

The larger eight-toothed European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus) is considered a serious pest on spruce and was first discovered in the UK in Kent, in 2018. If left uncontrolled, it poses a serious threat to Britain's forestry industry.

Following ongoing surveillance further findings of Ips typographus have since been confirmed, resulting in a demarcated area covering much of the south East of England. Within the demarcated area strict restrictions are in place that prevent the felling and movement of spruce wood, bark and branches without authorisation.

Work is now being carried out in an effort to eradicate this beetle by removing spruce from areas at risk of infestation.

How can we help

We are currently undertaking the proactive removal of spruce from within the demarcated area for private and public landowners, before the trees become infected, or if the landowner has received a Statutory Plant Health Notice (SPHN), which can adversely affect the value and restrict the timing of the operation.

Having well-established relationships with the Forestry Commission, as well as agreements in place with authorised processors, we are able offer a complete service that covers the felling, extraction and marketing of your spruce, ensuring that you receive the best commercial return possible.

We can also help with grant applications to reclaim some of the costs involved in felling and restocking your woodland.

How it works

1. Site visit

After taking some details in regards to your woodland we will arrange a site visit to appraise the standing timber and site constraints and hazards. We will also notify the Forestry Commision and arrange a Plant Health inspection to determine the presence (or absence of) of the beetle.

2. Marketing and Sales

We have arrangements in place with a number of authorised processors situated within the demarcated area, allowing us to offer your timber to multiple buyers and outlets.

3. Appraisal offer

We will submit a formal valuation offer based on the findings of the site visit, as well as the quantity and quality of timber.

4. Site preperation

If the offer is accepted then we will prepare the site for temporary or permanent access to allow for efficient harvesting.

5. Harvesting

We work with the aim of optimising the value of your timber, and will cut a range of products, subject to timber quality, size, volume and any SPHN requirements.

6. Haulage

As part of our service, we will handle the dispatch of all harvested material to the authorised processors.

7. Establishment and planting

Following harvesting operations we will prepare the site and select suitable species to achieve a thriving healthy woodland that is suited to the landscape, soils and our changing climate.

8. Ongoing managment

Our team can assist you in creating, planning, and managing your woodland's future, leaving behind a woodland that is fit for purpose, and for the benefit of future generations.

First confirmed in Britain in 2012, ash dieback (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus) is a highly destructive fungal disease that majorly affects ash trees in the UK. Once infected, there is no cure, and the tree quickly becomes brittle and unstable, making them particularly dangerous. Infection also causes them to become vulnerable to other pests and pathogens, especially honey fungus (Armillaria mellea), which accelerates their decline and mortality can occur in as little as two growing seasons.

Managing ash dieback is extremely dangerous, both for our team and for the general public. But thanks to our modern fleet of forestry machinery, including harvesters and Vosch grapple-saw equipped excavators, we can help our clients to manage ash dieback trees in a safe and efficient manner.

For safe and controlled removal of roadside trees, we have invested in specialist mechanical roadside tree felling equipment, such as our Sennebogen 718e, and work with reputable traffic management companies to ensure public safety.

<span class="text-small">Roadside felling of Chalara infected ash in West Sussex</span>

Dealing with ash dieback

ash dieback management

We're here to help

<span class="text-medium">Our team are here to help you deal with ash dieback. Contact us today to arrange a site visit</span>

First confirmed in Britain in 2012, ash dieback (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus) is a highly destructive fungal disease that majorly affects ash trees in the UK. Once infected, there is no cure, and the tree quickly becomes brittle and unstable, making them particularly dangerous. Infection also causes them to become vulnerable to other pests and pathogens, especially honey fungus (Armillaria mellea), which accelerates their decline and mortality can occur in as little as two growing seasons.

Managing ash dieback is extremely dangerous, both for our team and for the general public. But thanks to our modern fleet of forestry machinery, including harvesters and Vosch grapple-saw equipped excavators, we can help our clients to manage ash dieback trees in a safe and efficient manner.

For safe and controlled removal of roadside trees, we have invested in specialist mechanical roadside tree felling equipment, such as our Sennebogen 718e, and work with reputable traffic management companies to ensure public safety.

<span class="text-small">Roadside felling of Chalara infected ash in West Sussex</span>

Dealing with ash dieback

ash dieback management

We're here to help

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Managing ash dieback is extremely dangerous, both for our team and for the general public. But thanks to our modern fleet of forestry machinery, including harvesters and Vosch grapple-saw equipped excavators, mean we can help our clients to manage ash dieback trees in a safe and efficient manner.

First confirmed in Britain in 2012, ash dieback (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus) is a highly destructive fungal disease that majorly affects ash trees in the UK. Once infected, there is no cure, and the tree quickly becomes brittle and unstable, making them particularly dangerous. Infection also causes them to become vulnerable to other pests and pathogens, especially honey fungus (Armillaria mellea), which accelerates their decline and mortality can occur in as little as two growing seasons.

Managing ash dieback is extremely dangerous, both for our team and for the general public. But thanks to our modern fleet of forestry machinery, including harvesters and Vosch grapple-saw equipped excavators, we can help our clients to manage ash dieback trees in a safe and efficient manner.

For safe and controlled removal of roadside trees, we have invested in specialist mechanical roadside tree felling equipment, such as our Sennebogen 718e, and work with reputable traffic management companies to ensure public safety.

<span class="text-small">Roadside felling of Chalara infected ash in West Sussex</span>

Dealing with ash dieback

ash dieback management

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